Sasha (Igor Fomchenko), a little boy who began to learn the violin at the age of five, spends a lot of time practicing the piano every day. He and his children seem to live in different worlds. Some naughty boys even call him a "musician". Sasha was depressed and tried to avoid the taunts of the children. One day Serica (Vladimir Zamansky), a young road roller driver, helped Sasha out of the siege. They soon became good friends and began a friendship that lasted only half a day. Celicha Yosasha went to see the movie "Xia Boyang" in the evening. When the strict mother learned that Sasha locked Sasha at home, their agreement finally failed to go. Andre Tarkovsky's first work, which was also his graduation work at the Soviet National Film Academy, won the first prize at the New York Student Film Festival.