The story takes place in France in the 16th century, where Miss Mary (Melanie Thierry M é lanie Thierry) falls in love with the terrible-looking but gentle Earl of Gees (Gaspard Uriel Gaspard Ulliel). Unfortunately, this relationship is not destined to come to fruition under the dictatorship of her father. Mary eventually marries Prince Montponcier (Gregva Le Plance-Lingay Gr é goire Leprince-Ringuet), whom she has not even met. Soon after he got married, the prince was drafted into the army and rushed to the front. He entrusted Mary to count Chaban (Lambert Wilson Lambert Wilson), hoping that the latter would protect Mary from the ravages of war. In the emptiness and loneliness, Mary was unexpectedly reunited with Keith, and her pent-up love was out of control, but at this juncture, the prince returned to Mary and was sandwiched between two men. Mary doesn't know how to make the right choice. ©Douban