This film is a derivative of Disney's 1955 animation "Miss and the homeless". After overcoming all difficulties, the domestic dog Lidi (voiced by Jodie Benson Jodi Benson) and the stray dog Changyun (Jeff Bennett Jeff Bennett) are immersed in the joy brought by their children while helping their mischievous son Skemp (voiced by Scott Wolf Scott Wolf). Skamp, who hates all kinds of rules, is ashamed of being a domestic dog and yearns for a free life. One day, Skamp, who was in trouble, was chained outside the house by his master. He took the opportunity to break free from the chain and run away from home to start his own unfettered life. He meets the sweet stray dog Angel (voiced by Alyssa Milano Alyssa Milano) and the unfriendly dog boss Booster (Chazz Palmin Terry Chazz Palminteri). In order to join the stray dog, Scarlett has to face many tests set by Buster. In the face of the call of family and the desire for freedom, hovering in two very different lives, how will he choose?