The story takes place in 1940, when the iron hoofs of the German army set foot on the land of France, leaving this beautiful country devastated. In a room, the old man (played by Marley Robin Jean-Marie Robain) and his niece (Nicole Stefan Nicole St é phane) depend on each other, and the war does not disturb their peaceful life. One day, a German officer named Vernay (Howard Vernon Howard Vernon) lives with the old man and niece. Out of self-respect and position, the old man and niece keep silent. However, with the passage of time, the two found that Vernay was not only polite, but also held special respect and love for French culture, and slowly developed a sincere relationship between a man and a woman under the eaves. However, the huge estrangement and silence between the two people, how should they deal with this untimely love?