The story takes place in the inaccessible primeval forest of Yaku in Siberia. Sergei (Eugene Urbansky Yevgeni Urbansky), Andre (Vassili Livanov Vasili Livanov), Danya (Tagana Samoylova Tatyana Samojlova) and Sabinin (Inokenti Smoktunovsky Innokenti Smoktunovsky) are members of a geological exploration team who are exploring here. Trying to find precious diamond deposits. In the vast primeval forest, how difficult it is to find a small deposit, the four of them were busy for days, but found nothing, and fell into discouraged mood one after another. However, at this juncture, Dania accidentally dug up a piece of diamond, which means that the deposit is not far away. The exploration team drew a map to take it to headquarters when a fire suddenly broke out in the forest, and in the thick smoke and scorching sun, a party paid a heavy price to protect the map.