Jack (Adrian Brody Adrien Brody) is a charlatan, a cynical man who walks on the edge of law and morality all day long, leading a chic and unfettered life. By chance, he met Claire (Charlotte Arjana Charlotte Ayanna), a beautiful woman who could be turned into a real lady in terms of conduct and manners. This is the two people who are so different that they fall in love with each other. Jack made Clare understand that people at the bottom like him seemed comfortable but had unspeakable sadness, and that the rivers and lakes were so sinister that they were not as beautiful as she knew, and that they had to pay the price to survive in such a society. In Claire, Jack saw integrity and beauty, and the love and tenderness she gave him kept him from sinking to the end. Can Jack and Claire make it to the end when they hurt each other and save each other?