This film is based on a real story. In 1970, Heath (Brad Davis), a young man from a middle-class family in long Island of the United States, went to Turkey for a holiday with his girlfriend. Heath stole two kilograms of marijuana before leaving, only to be exposed when boarding the plane and arrested for drug possession. Heath is beaten by a prison officer after a failed escape on his way to prison, but he soon becomes acquainted with two cellmates: Jimmy (Randy Quaid) and Ellie (Norbert Weisser), and becomes familiar with the chaotic and absurd living environment of Turkish prisons like an open-air market. Despite his father's efforts, Heath still had to endure four years in prison. When he was about to be released from prison four years later, Heath happened to have a bad relationship between the United States and Turkey. Heath happened to be sentenced to 30 years and became a victim of diplomacy. Ellie was released at the end of his sentence, and Heath's endurance was about to collapse, so he finally decided to join Jimmy's escape plan.