This film is based on the first film "Men who hate Women" of the famous Swedish mystery novelist Stig Lachsson's "Millennium" trilogy. Mike Blomvester (Michael Enqvist Michael Nyqvist), a reporter for Millennium magazine, is investigating the disappearance of Henry's beloved niece Haley 40 years ago at the request of Swedish Vanger consortium giant Henry (Sven-Boyle Taub Sven-Bertil Taube). In the course of the investigation, Mike comes into contact with several members of the Van Yell consortium, including Haley's brother Martin (Peter Heber Peter Haber) and cousin Cecilia (Marika Lawrence Marika Lagercrantz). Mike discovers that Lisbeth Salander (Lomi Lapes Noomi Rapace), an investigator of the security company, has hacked into her computer and provides important clues to solve the case. Mike decided to join hands with Lisbeth, who had a tattooed nose and ear piercing, to investigate. As he approached the truth, Mike found that his personal safety was threatened. But did the killer have anything to do with Haley's disappearance? This film was won by Amanda, Denmark.