Based on the short stories of Edogawa's wise Kogoro short series of detectives, the D-Sakasaka Takeshi incident and the Psychological Test, a Japanese film directed by Akio Takashi. In 1927, on the occasion of the financial crisis in Japan, Yuyong Shiko, the female owner of Quigudong, a used bookstore in Tokyo's home district, was killed at home. The police department hired a former police officer, now a new private investigator, wise Kogoro, to help solve the case. There are two suspects: Yoshihiro Saito, an employee of Saito, who stole the money of the deceased at the time of the crime, and the fake painter Kiyichiro Uya, who was entrusted by the deceased to forge the work of the late painter Chunni Oe. In order to verify their testimony, they wisely did psychological experiments on them respectively. According to the results, they concluded that the murderer was Yun House, and they were forced to confess through ingenious cross-examination. Fifteen years ago, when he was only 15 years old, Takuya helped his father Dongichi Peitian to take part in the massive antique art fraud "Pot Nunnery" that caused a sensation at that time. After his release, he ostensibly engaged in the restoration of antique works of art, but in fact he was still dealing in the manufacture of fakes. Entrusted by Suyong Shizi, the female owner of Quigu Gudong, a used book shop, she forged the legendary work of the late painter Dajiang Chunni.