The story takes place in New York in the 1990s. After graduating from graduate school, Joana (Margaret Quiley), who dreams of becoming a writer, is hired as an assistant by Margaret (Kristen Scott Thomas), the literary agent of J D. J.D.Salinger, who is known for being conservative and old-school. Joana works in a luxurious wood paneling office during the day and spends the night in a dilapidated apartment in Brooklyn with her socialist boyfriend. Her main job is to deal with the emails of a large number of Salinger fans. When she carefully read heartbreaking letters from all over the world, she was unwilling to prevaricate her fans with formatted and impersonal responses, and impulsively began to respond with her own feelings. The emails were humorous and touching, and Joana explored his own voice as he spoke in the voice of a great writer.