The story takes place in the early summer of 2007, when the fugitive painter Kim Sung-nam (Kim Ying-ho) comes to Paris. However, the creative paradise in the eyes of the artists is just another prison for the poor Kim Chengnan. The yearning for his hometown and his wife afflicts him every day. By chance, Kim Sung-nam met a beautiful woman named Rou Zhen (Park Eun-hui). At this time, his situation and mentality were very different from those when he first arrived in Paris. Rou Zhen's appearance was tantamount to another shot in the heart, and soon, there was a fierce flame of love between the lonely men and widows in a foreign country. When Jin Chengnan was having a hot relationship with Rou Zhen, the news that his wife was pregnant in the motherland plunged him into contradiction and self-remorse. at the same time, the relationship between him and Rou Zhen also changed qualitatively. With family on one side and love on the other, what kind of choice will Kim Sung-nam make?