In Belgium in the 1960s, little boy Pim (Jill Florizon Jelle Florizoone) and single mother Yvette (Eva van der Gucci Eva van der Gucht) lived in a desolate town by the North Sea, where the busiest place was a bar called Texas. Pim has been very special since he was a child. he likes playing princess maids, painting, handsome boys and collecting objects of his beloved. Gino, a boy next door (Matthias Wagles Mathias Vergels) and sister Sabrina (Nina Maria Kotkas Nina Marie Kortekaas) are childhood playmates of Pimm, who taste forbidden fruit and trigger an ambiguous and bitter first love. When the handsome gypsy youth Zhuotan (Thomas Coomand Thomas Coumans) unexpectedly appears, Pim's life is irreparably changed. The North Sea of Texas is adapted from the Belgian female writer Andre Soli's growing-up novel "this is forever". Director Bawald Vern is a public comrade.