The story follows the previous one, which is slowly told by Joy (Charlotte Gainsbourg), and Seligman (Stellan Skarsgård), who has never known what he wants, is also deeply fascinated. Joey and Jerome (Shia LaBeouf) have a child, but the crystallization of this love does not make Joey, who is sinking deeper and deeper in the sea of desire, happy. The burden of life makes Jerome and Joey, who were originally in love, drift away. After that, Joy joined an SM club, and humiliation and flogging opened the door to a new world for Joy and also led her to the brink of destruction. Under L (Willem Dafoe), Joey finds a job as a debt collector, and Joey, who is good at this, quickly climbs to the top of his career. Seeing that Joey is getting older, L finds a successor for her named P (Mia Goth). In this way, Joy became P's adoptive mother, and the relationship between the two became closer until one day, Joy discovered that Jerome became...