The story takes place in northern Europe at the end of the 19th century, when the chaotic situation and declining economy plunged people into poverty. Farmer Raskassen (Max von Sido Max von Sydow) brings his son Pearl (Bailey Hevinecarad Pelle Hvenegaard) to Denmark, hoping to earn a more decent life here with his own hands. However, the reality is far from as good as expected. Father and son managed to find a job cleaning the stables on the farm. They had nowhere to go but to sleep on the thatched heap with the horses, and they had to be censured and exploited by their employers during the day. Life is miserable. Eric (Bjorn Granat Bj ö rn Granath) actively leads the workers to fight against the housekeeper who oppresses them. Eric's spirit of freedom deeply inspires Pell and makes him decide to leave the manor and open up a new world.