The film, which won Emmy for Best Picture and Best Actress, is a moving TV film with blood and tears, adapted by famous playwright Arthur Miller based on the memoirs of Thai singer Fanny Finillo, describing the true deeds of Jews struggling to survive in concentration camps during World War II. Fanny, originally a famous singer in Paris, was sent to a labor camp in Munich to be imprisoned with other Jews during the war. All the female prisoners had to take off their clothes, shave their heads and put numbers on their arms before they were assigned to the concentration camp. There, every day, people were sent to the gas chamber for mass slaughter, and some young female prisoners sold themselves to the German soldiers guarding them in exchange for a piece of bread. Fortunately, Fanny and some female prisoners who knew how to play musical instruments were selected to form an orchestra to entertain black-shirt officers on the one hand and to perform funerals for death row prisoners sent to the gas chamber on the other. It was in such a harsh environment that completely deprived of human self-esteem that this group of women struggled to survive. Vanessa Redgrave and Jane Alexander both performed superbly in the film.