In order to become a qualified Pok é mon trainer, Xiaozhi (voiced by Matsumoto), Tiantong (voiced by Miyano) and Alice (voiced by Yumubi) continue their study journey with their own partners. This time they came to the beautiful mountain town of Eindook to participate in the Pok é mon competition, where they met the legendary Pok é mon Bicktini (voiced by Shuishu Nai). More than a thousand years ago, there was a beautiful and fertile land in Eindook's land, but the two princes fought with Black Dragon Jack Krom (voiced by Hideki Takahashi) and White Dragon Ray Seeram (voiced by Sakuke Tanehara), causing the country to collapse. With the help of Bichtini, the old king temporarily stabilized the dragon vein, and the land of the earth has withered ever since. As a descendant of the land of the earth, Drado found the sealed Jack Krom and decided to rebuild his long-lost homeland.