In Calcutta, police officer Baldev (Ravi Teja), who has set India's corruption record, meets the beautiful Vashnawi (Regina Cassandra), and they fall in love at first sight. Just as Brother Ganguly, who had committed a heinous crime, was sent to court, he was unexpectedly kidnapped by Police Officer Baldev. During the escape, Officer Baldev fell off a cliff and died, and the whereabouts of Brother Ganguly are unknown. In Hyderabad, living in her sister's home, Tirupati (Ravi Tejaja), who has nothing to do, dreams of becoming a policeman and pretending to be a policeman every day to uphold justice on the streets. Unexpectedly, she falls into the scam routine of Nilupama (Hansika Mowani). Just as he was at a loss, he had a chance because he looked like Officer Baldev and became an assistant director instead of Baldev. One Zhuang and one harmonious, one positive and one evil, two characters and two clues intersect, and the plot suddenly reverses.