This film is based on a true story. Bobby (Ryan Kelly Ryan Kelley) is a kind and pious teenager with a family who loves him. But everything changed after he confessed his sexuality to his family. Mother Mary (Sigourney Weaver Sigourney Weaver) believes that homosexuality will go to hell, trying to correct her son. And Bobby's pain grows with each passing day. Bobby met David, a cheerful young man, before his 20th birthday, but Mary refused to accept it and was ashamed of having a gay son. Bobby left home sadly and finally chose to die to end his inner torture. His death completely awakened the family, especially Mary, who began to reach out to gay people in endless remorse, joining PFLAG groups and discussing biblical interpretation with the clergy. After reading her son's diary, she began to face and identify with her son. The mother who lost her son burst into tears in the torrential rain. Rain Water and tears washed away stubbornness, prejudice and incomprehension. Mary has since devoted his life to the cause of gay rights, helping teenagers like Bobby.