A ship is moored in the port of Brester with a handsome sailor named Querrell (played by Brad Davis Brad Davis). He is secretly infatuated by the ship's major Cylon (Frank Nilo Franco Nero) and has an affair with Captain Robert (Hanover Hanno P ö schl); he hooks up with the local bar owner Noro (Gunther Kaufman) and takes the initiative to lose to him in a dice game to have sex with him. He sells drugs and kills his partner, and the policeman Mario (Burkhard Drester Burkhard Driest) has a crush on him and is infatuated with him. The young man Jill (Hanno P ö schl) also falls in love with him and is framed by him. Nono's wife Lucina (Jeanne Moro Jeanne Moreau) is also interested in him. Handsome Querrell, cruel Querrell, no one can tell who he loves, who is willing to be the pawn in his hand, Colonel Theron looks at everything, knows everything, and talks about his love to the tape recorder every day.