This film is a sequel to "genius Ripley". In the last episode, Ripley (John Markovich John Malkovich) transformed himself from an obscure poor boy into a wealthy tycoon, returning to a quiet life after marrying pianist wife Louisa (Cherilla Catherine Chiara Caselli). However, his cunning and ambition never changed, and when he learned that craftsman Jonathan (Dougray Scott Dougray Scott) was talking behind his back, the flames of vengeance burned in Ripley's heart. When Ripley's friends wanted Ripley to help him take out a competitor, Ripley thought of Jonathan, who was cash-strapped and could not resist the lure of high pay. Ripley's behavior was obviously the main cause of Jonathan's death. Although he could escape justice, he could not escape the condemnation from his conscience. Ripley had mixed feelings in his heart when he looked at the back of his beloved wife.