Hal Hefner (Reese Thompson Reece Thompson), a high school boy who lives in a suburban town in New Jersey, is a mess. His parents' marriage is broken, his brother Earl (Vincent Piazza Vincent Piazza) is extremely selfish and incompetent, and Hal has a language barrier. Home-school-home, two o'clock and one line is Hal's main way of life. One day in autumn, the wheel of fate began to turn. On the school bus, the school debate star Jenny Ryerson (Anna Kendrick Anna Kendrick) approached Hal and invited him to be a partner in the state high school debate contest, which almost shocked the whole school. Jenny seemed to feel vaguely that Hal's undiscovered debating ability, and this opportunity also changed Hal's bleak life. This film won the 2007 Sundance Film Festival feature Film Director Award.