Wright (Jason Statham Jason Statham) is an unruly, dead-minded former New York policeman. One day, in the subway station, he saw a group of armed gang members encircling Mei (Catherine Chen Catherine Chan), a 12-year-old Chinese girl. His sense of justice arises spontaneously, so he educates the gang and protects the little girl. Then there was a steady stream of Hong Kong triad members, Russian thugs, killers sent by politicians and villains from the police station. In desperation, Wright had to take Mei to start the fugitive career of hiding from Xizang on the territory of New York. It turns out that Mei has the ability to never forget, she wrote down a series of numbers, and these numbers are decrypted into a password. Knowing the cause of the incident, Wright decided to help May tide over the difficulties. But what kind of battle is waiting for them?