The story takes place in the distant Edo era. Snitch Sakuke (Aoki sublime) sneaks into Princess Sakuragi's room, infringing upon her without personnel. At the same time, the whereabouts of a priceless rare treasure seems to have something to do with the emergence of Yasuke. Although Yingji's body endured the pain of being torn apart, she could not forget the pleasure she had never experienced before. She decided to embark on a journey to find this daring man. In order to wait and wait, Yingji came to the brothel. After experiencing thousands of difficulties and dangers, Yingji finally became the top card in the stockade. Yingji also followed her name to Yingji's side. Yingji finally saw her longing for help and fell in love. However, Yingji soon discovered that she was the thief who stole the treasure.