In the mid-1980s, a beautiful and charming woman lived in Hokkaido, a cold town in Hokkaido. Kaoru Noda, a mixed-race woman of Russian descent, has snow-like skin and beautiful flowers, which is like a dazzling scenery in this town. Kaoru and accidentally met the fisherman Akagi Bunichi (Sato Hiroshi) met and fell in love with each other, and finally married Nanya, a small fishing village where the state was located, and lived a fisherman's life with her husband singing. The seemingly calm and happy life can not hide the loneliness in her heart. After all, she and Bangyi are two types of people, and the estrangement between them is getting deeper and deeper. Unlike the rude and bold Bang Yi, his younger brother Hiroshi (Nakamura Heng) is gentle and considerate. He has been deeply infatuated with the beautiful Kaoru at his brother's wedding and has since witnessed the failure of his brother and sister-in-law's marriage. Two frustrated and miserable people finally unite, but it is also a love doomed to collapse.