The story takes place in the Bonghua School Park. The handsome Qin Sheng the Winter Solstice (Hiroshi Hiroase) is a celebrity on campus, because every Monday, he will date the first person to confess to him, but he is bound to break up a week later. Although this sounds absurd and nonsense, the Winter Solstice is actually a very single-minded and emotional person. Xiao Gongxian (James Wu Yamada) is a senior in the third year of high school. Unlike the Winter Solstice, despite his exquisite appearance, he always plays the one who has been dumped in the relationship. One day, the Winter Solstice and Xiao Gongxian met at the school gate. In the accident, Gao Gongxian told the Winter Solstice that he was white. In this way, the two began a week-long relationship. In the process, Xiao Gongxian gradually fell in love with the gentle the Winter Solstice. However, the Winter Solstice, who has always been quiet, still has his own way.