Queen Pam Greer, who starred in two famous black exploitation films Coffey and the Fox in the 1970s, worked with Cult director William Godel on the sheer black exploitation film Sheba, Baby. Before this film, Greer's films were basically low-budget films with action scenes, which made her feel cheap, so Greer paid for a big shot in this film, and her role also changed. It no longer looks arrogant and exaggerated, but also reflects her own charm. The film was released in 1975, the year when Greer bid farewell to black exploitation films, and ironically, it was also the year when she said goodbye to the peak of her career. This year, she starred in three black exploitation films, in addition to this film, she also worked with Arthur Marx on "Bakton" and "King Kong," and after "King Kong," she took the initiative to get rid of the exploitation of black exploitation films. On February 9, Arrow released the film's first Blu-ray with a video of 1080p and a frame of 1.85. the audio track is the original LPCM track with English subtitles. A film brochure is included with the disc for William..., a fan website for film directors.