The musical "Shrek the Musical", adapted from the top-grossing cartoon "Shrek" by DreamWorks and Neal Street Productions, premiered on Broadway in New York on December 14, 2008. Shrek, an animated film based on the novel of the same name by writer William Steig, was released on screen in 2001 and won the 74th Academy Award for best animated feature film. DreamWorks released three sequels in 2004, 2007 and 2010. Shrek became the most representative and top-grossing animated character in DreamWorks history and became popular all over the world. It has a long history to move classic cartoons to Broadway. Disney Animation Pictures set up a drama production department 16 years ago, and successively adapted hit films such as Beauty and the Beast and the Lion King into musicals. DreamWorks did the same, challenging Disney. Shrek is DreamWorks's first musical by three-time Tony nominee Jeanine Tesori...