In a state-of-the-art prison run by the talented and visionary Steve Ainasti (Chris Hemsworth), prisoners wear a surgical device through which they are injected with a certain dose of mind-altering drugs in exchange for a reduced sentence. No bar, no cell, no orange jumpsuit. In Spider head, imprisoned volunteers are free to be themselves. Until they finally lose themselves. Sometimes, they become better themselves. Need to relax? There is a drug that can be treated. at a loss? There is also a drug that can be treated. But when the two subjects Jeff (Milesteller) and Liz (Juni Smollett) establish a friendship, their road to redemption goes up and down, as Ernesto's experiment begins to break through the limits of free will. Spiderhead, adapted from George Sanders' New Yorker short story, directed by Joseph Kosinsky (Genesis: war TRON, Top Gun: the Lone Ranger), written by Ritter Reese and Paul Wernicke (Deadpool, Zombie Paradise), is a very different, dark and funny psychological thriller.