In a small city in Hokkaido, Aojin (Yushan Tieji), who works in the municipal government, is heading to the depths of the dense forest with colleagues, where an abandoned car with the bones of a middle-aged man and a dog was found not long ago. Inside and outside the car, except for a few small tickets along the way, there is no document that can prove the identity of the man. After the examination of the skeletons, it was found that the dog did not die until half a year after the man died. Ozin, who has a dog-owning experience, is so curious about the man's experience that he goes to Tokyo, the starting point of the deceased's journey, at his own expense, and picks up Youxi, a fellow girl who secretly runs to the Tokyo draft (Kawashima Haihe is acted the role of). With the shopping ticket as a clue, the two follow the footsteps of the middle-aged man "Maeda" (Minxing Nishida) and his dog Happy. After a visit, they gradually pieced together the ordinary and lonely life of Mr. Maeda. This film is based on the cartoon of the same name by Murakami.