On a stormy night, Lamb Baa (voiced by Chenggong Kuangui) and Wolf Kaz (voiced by Lion Child Nakamura) accidentally hide in a cabin to take shelter from the rain. In the dark room, Sheep Baa and Katz could not see each other clearly, talked happily and arranged to have lunch together the next day. When meeting, Sheep baa and Katz found each other's identities. In the face of the nature and kindness of Sheep Baa, Katz forcefully endured the impulse to eat Sheep Baa into his belly and tried to be a good wolf in front of Sheep Baa. The two quickly became good friends. The fact that sheep baa and Katz became friends was discovered by sheep and wolves. Sheep baa was assigned by the patriarch to find out the news of the wolves in order to return to the sheep, while on Katz's side, the wolves gave Katz the opportunity to "atone for their sins" to go to Sheep BAA to find out about the sheep. The worried sheep baa and Katz meet again by the river. The sudden rainstorm and the rescue of Katz made them find that they could not deceive each other. Baa and Ka, who jumped into the flood for the rest of their lives, decided to look through the snow-capped mountains and go to the emerald forest where wolves and sheep could coexist peacefully. They were chased by wolves on the way, can they successfully climb the snow-capped mountains to avoid the wolves, and can Katz overcome the nature of eating sheep and reach the dream jade forest together?