During Christmas, a group of thieves pretended to be Santa Claus and stole wantonly. In response to this, Police Chief Gilbert (Bernal Fassi) decided to personally deploy the cleanup activities. At this time, a mixed-blood journalist Qiu (Bai Ling) came to the police station to interview and always stuck to him, asking him about him everywhere. Police officer Amy (Frederic Difenso) is worried about the case and doesn't want his girlfriend Betra to come with her eight-month pregnant belly. Amy and her friend Daniel (Sammy Naselli) confided in the taxi all night. It turns out that Daniel's girlfriend Lily is also pregnant. Just when they decided to surrender for love, the criminal gang's secrets were exposed to them. They chased after Amy, not wanting to fall into the trash can again. Amy was kidnapped by a criminal gang. When she opened her eyes again, she was in front of the beautiful mixed-blood reporter...