In 2018, the war between Skynet and mankind plunged the world into an apocalyptic situation. John Connor (Christian Bale), the spiritual leader of the Resistance Army, gained a new idea of defeating Skynet while leading a mission. The new idea, and Skynet system timely launched a new target ranking. Connor ranked second, with Connor's fashionable young father Kyle Risheran at the top. At the same time, Marcus (Sam Worthington), a strong man who has forgotten his past experiences, appears in the ruins of Los Angeles. He meets Reese, a rebel soldier, by chance and teams up to the Reese headquarters. Unexpectedly, he is attacked by robots on the way and Reese is captured. The lone Marcus was led by the female rebel soldier Blair to usher in a fated encounter with Connor. However, the opposition between man and machine forced Connor to regard the other party as an enemy... Reese's life and death were unknown at the center of Skynet. At the same time, the rebel leaders refused to postpone the plan of a forced attack, leaving Connor no longer enough time. He could only choose to carry out a sneak operation that risked his life and honor.