After a catastrophic nuclear explosion in New York City Josh (Milo Timilla Milo Ventimiglia), Mickey (Michael Bean Michael Biehn), Marilyn (Rosanna Arquette Rosanna Arquette), Sam (Rosanna Arquette Rosanna Arquette), Darwin (Courtney Vans Courtney B. Vance), Eva (Lauren Germain Lauren German), Adrian (Ashton Holmes Ashton Holmes), Bobby (Michael Eckland Michael Eklund) the eight strangers hide in the basement of an apartment building. Suddenly a group of armed men in nuclear, chemical and biological protective suits appeared and took the little girl among the survivors and was ready to kill all the rest. The survivors rebelled and killed the militants. But the door of the basement was sealed from the outside by armed men, and people were trapped in the basement. As time goes by, claustrophobia makes this.