In April 1945, World War II was coming to an end. In Japan, the 77-year-old Suzuki Kantaro (Yamazaku), persuaded by Emperor Hirohito (Masahiro Moto), agreed to become the new prime minister. In the subsequent formation of the cabinet, Army Senior General Anan Weiji (General Division of Service) confirmed as the candidate for the Minister of the Army. During this period, Hitler shot himself, the dust of the European battlefield settled, and Japan stood at the crossroads of history. Kenji Seizhong (Matsuzaka Tao Li) and other young troops recognized as the representative of the main war faction, waiting for a decisive battle with the allies at home. The senior level of the government held a heated discussion on whether to end the war out of various considerations. Tokyo air raid, Potsdam announcement, Nagasaki-Hiroshima original explosion. As time goes by, the collision of all forces has reached a critical moment.