Rimi Ishihara starred in the Best Gift of Life. The story tells that the protagonist Yuriko Tanaka (Rimi Ishihara) lives in a small town in Antano, Nagano Prefecture, and lives with her husband, Tanaka, who is a teacher. Her father, Ryosuke Sakai, a former university lecturer and translator, lived alone in Tokyo because his wife died young, surrounded by Nomura, a responsible editor who had been teased by him, and Guang Dai Haraguchi, who lived nearby and was asked by his dead wife to take care of him. One day Yuriko suddenly returned to her father in Tokyo. Liangsuke was surprised to ask her why she came back, but she didn't say anything at all. From the past to the present, they did not have a good dialogue between father and daughter, so there was an unnatural atmosphere between them. From then on, the two father and daughter began to live together, and time gradually passed in a tense, warm and calm environment, but in fact, Yuriko did not have much time left in her life. What was hidden in her heart? Does father have time to know? ❖ screenwriter for Okada Huiwa (therefore, live, penultimate love) ▷ will be released on January 4, 2021!