The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle 6.6
  • Genre: Thrilling
  • Premiere: 1992
  • Running time: 1h 50m
  • Country: USA

Michael (Matt McCoy Matt McCoy) and Claire (Annabella Sarah Annabella Sciorra) jointly raise their youngest daughter Emma (Madeleine Chima Madeline Zima), who lives in peace and contentment. Before long, another little life came to Clare, adding happiness to the happy family. However, in a subsequent antenatal examination, Clare discovers that obstetrician Morton (John Delancey John de Lancie) has bad intentions, so he is sued, causing Morton to collapse and commit suicide, and Mrs. Morton (Rebecca de Moni Rebecca De Mornay) has a miscarriage and can no longer get pregnant. In the twinkling of an eye, six months passed, and Claire was born, named Joey. In order to take care of Joey, Claire decided to hire a babysitter named Peyton, who knew the true identity of the woman, but it was Mrs. Morton. This time she reappeared incognito to Claire only to complete her revenge plan.