The film begins with a detective investigating the disappearance of a star and tells four horror stories surrounding an old house. The first story tells the story of a couple who moved to this old house. The husband is a horror novelist. Unexpectedly, the horror characters created in the novel appear in real life. The second story tells the story of a retired agent who moved to this room. Accidentally found that there is a wax museum in the town, there is a wax figure called Salome has a moving beauty, so that he can not forget, but things are becoming more and more bizarre The third story is about a father who brought his daughter to the old house. The father hired a female tutor to teach his daughter to learn. Later, the female tutor found that there was something wrong with her daughter and her father. The fourth story is about a star who was going to shoot a vampire movie and moved to the old house. Because the shooting site needed a vampire cloak, he went to a mysterious store to buy an old cloak, which turned him into a real vampire.