The story tells the story of Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer Mitch Holler (Matthew McConaughey Matthew McConaughey), nicknamed "Lincoln lawyer", dealing with clients at the bottom of society. He has a clear distinction between good and evil, integrity and trustworthiness, not a greedy villain. This time, however, Holler's defense is aimed at Louis Lawliet, a young and wealthy real estate developer (played by Ryan Philip Rya n Phillippe). Lawliet is charged with beating and attempting to rape recruiter Lang Ruiqi (Margarita Levi Margarita Levieva), but Lawliet claims to be innocent and someone framed him. Lawliet's mother is willing to spend a lot of money to prove her beloved son's innocence. In order to understand the details of the case, Howler and his private investigators investigated the case. The initial evidence they obtained proved that Lawliet seemed innocent, that the case could be easily won, and that Holler could easily get a high legal fee. However, by chance, Howler discovered that there were many similarities between this case and another rape and homicide case he had taken over.