A new woman named Elaine (Samantha Robinson Samantha Robinson) has moved to the town. With a charming and beautiful appearance and a simple heart like a little girl, Ailian has become a beautiful scenery in the town. On the surface, Elaine is a handicraft maker who often makes all kinds of colorful potions and soaps at home, but in fact, her real identity is a witch, and she has equipped herself with a powerful love potion. Hope to use magic to find a man who really loves her. Soon, Elaine meets a man named Kim (Cliff Ashburn Clive Ashborn), who is flirtatious by nature and only wants to have a dewy relationship with Elaine, but under the influence of the love potion, she can't bear the strong feelings for Elaine that emerges from her heart, and her heart fails and dies. The sad Elaine buried Kim and began to look for her next "prey". The frequent deaths of men in the town made detectives suspicious of Elaine, but he could not escape her charm.