"Smart counterattack" is an original comedy adventure animated film jointly produced by Sony Columbia Pictures and Sony Animation. The film, made by the gold medal production team of Spider-Man: parallel Universe, which won the Oscar for best animated feature film, is the most anticipated animation blockbuster in 2020. Michael Rianda ("grotesque Town") served as director and Phil Rod and Christopher Miller (Spider-Man: parallel Universe "Lego Movie") as producers. The maverick and creative Katie Mitchell was admitted to her coveted film school. She had planned to fly to school, but her nature-loving father, Rick, decided to drive the whole family to send Katie to college to strengthen her family relationship before she left. In addition to Katie and Rick, the Mitchell family included optimist mother Linda and eccentric brother Allen, as well as a chubby and cute starling dog, Monkey, who went on an exciting family road trip. But the accident happened, and intelligent technology suddenly launched a counterattack on mankind, completely disrupting the Mitchell family's plans. People's most commonly used electronic devices, from mobile phones to household appliances, and even a series of the latest private robots.