Shiba Ryotaro's masterpiece "Yan" is imaged for the first time, directed by famous director Yaoshi Koizumi, and co-performed by Koizumi Koizumi & Nakadai Tatsuya-Matsuko. The story tells the legendary life of Sakuke Kawai, the elder of the Nagaoka family after Yue. Hirosuke Kawai will play the role of Sakuke Kawai, and Matsuko Matsuko will play his wife. Minu Tanaka, Kyoko Kagawa, Sakatsuke Sakatsuke, Sakayashi Sakayashi, Yongshan Takeshi, Takagi Takagi, Shigeki Watanabe, Kenichi Yagawa, Yamamoto, Igawa Bizashi, Tanagata, and Hideki Yoshimura took part. Filming will begin in Nagaoka, Niigata, in September, and 5000 extras will take part in the most important "North Vietnam War" scene. The film will be released in 2020.