Flying policewoman (English: The Powerpuff Girls) is a cartoon released by Cartoon Network of time Warner in the United States. The small town village was originally an ordinary town, but since the scientist Professor you came to the town, this ordinary town has become a place that has attracted worldwide attention. Professor you hopes to use scientific methods to create the most "perfect" little girl in the world. He mixes sugar with spices and all kinds of beautiful ingredients, but he accidentally adds the mysterious black chemical "X" to it, creating three cute, evil-minded policewomen who vow to fight criminals to the end: Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. The three formed the largest team in the world, and they saved the world by talent. Professor you is determined to educate the three flying policewomen into ordinary girls, but he can't stop them from fighting wits with evil monkeys, furry monsters, amoebas, and cockroach coaches.