"Raid" was directed by Gareth Evans, co-produced by the United States and Indonesia, and was released in Indonesia on March 23, 2012. In the early morning, special police officer Rama (Iko Uwais) finished praying and training, bid farewell to his wife who had not yet got up to meet a special mission. Deep in Jakarta's slums, the world's most dangerous killers and gangs are assembled in an indestructible house. Until now, dilapidated apartments have been considered inaccessible even by the brave police. Under cover of pre-dawn darkness and silence, a group of elite SWAT teams and law enforcement officers with important tasks slowly approached the house in order to get closer to the notorious drug lord. But news of their attack was accidentally discovered by drug lords, and then the lights of the building were cut off and all passages were blocked. These special police officers must fight for survival in the most brutal environment in the world...