Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp Johnny Depp) is a frustrated New York writer who leads a drunken life as a reporter for a depressed newspaper in Puerto Rico. He meets the sexy Chenot (Amber Hilde Amber Heard) in the hotel and is immediately attracted to her. Real estate tycoon Sanderson (Alan Eckhart Aaron Ec khart) hired Kemp to write advertisements and provided him with plenty of money and materials. Kemp found that Chenot was the boss's woman, but he fell in love with her uncontrollably. Sanderson arranged for Kemp to accompany Chenault, who resisted the temptation of beauty and refused to elope with her. They came to an island to inspect the real estate, and at the reception, the drunken Chenot danced with the local men, making Sanderson furious. The next day, Sanderson announced the termination of his cooperation with Kemp and drove Chenault out of the house. Kemp took in Chenault and was determined to write about the dark deal in Sanderson real estate, but the publisher refused to publish it. He and his friends made a lot of money in a cockfight in the bazaar. When they came back with the money to print their own manuscripts, they found that the publishing house had already been auctioned.