"Magic Wunderkind" is the last movie in the Disney superpower prodigy series in the 1970s. The protagonist of the story is still the adventurous college student Dexter Riley. This time, he and his partners mix a suicide film with chemical medicine by accident in the laboratory, which unexpectedly produces a magical effect. At the beginning, they ate the film to the cow next door, but the cow was full of vitality. There is no shortage of milk. Later, I didn't expect that Dexter Riley would eat by himself, so he became a strongman, and it was easy for him to pick up ten pounds. The director of the Higgins of the school knew the news. He thought that all the films of this brand had this magical effect. In order to increase the weight of the school, he made a deal with the distributor of the film run by his relatives, but the director did not know that all the chemical products added by Dexter Riley were working. On the other hand, another buyer of the film dealer was suspicious, so he sent his men to secretly crack it and pry into the truth of the matter.