The Whispering Star

The Whispering Star 6.3
  • Genre: Sci-Fi
  • Premiere: 2015
  • Running time: 1h 40m
  • Country: Japan

Countless disasters and wars have sharply reduced the number of human beings, which seems to have made the universe more peaceful. Today, artificial intelligence robots have an absolute dominant position in the universe, but only about 20% of human beings. Although science has made great progress, it is a pity that human beings cannot break through the 100-year limit of lifespan. They come in a hurry, end in silence, and unwittingly perish. Yoko Suzuki, a humanoid robot numbered 722, lives in the spaceship with a strong Showa atmosphere. She accompanied with the AI robot, always running around in the long journey of the universe. Her daily boredom, washing clothes, sewing buttons, cutting nails, cleaning, loneliness and silence are endless. Yoko is a space courier, but the goods she delivers are seemingly insignificant small items. Each delivery takes years, and even though instant travel is possible, she seems to have some reason to spend the long time. On a lonely planet, as if forgotten by the whole universe, human beings are waiting for a visit from afar on the dilapidated streets.


