"Whistleblower" is based on the real experience of Catherine Pokwak, who served as a peacekeeper at the United Nations ten years ago. American policeman Rachel Weisz (played by Rachel Weisz) is hired by the American private mercenary company: Dyncorp (an American private mercenary company) to carry out peacekeeping missions in Bosnia. However, he found that his colleagues colluded with local human trafficking groups, ignored the cruel criminal acts of sexual exploitation and sexual assault that occurred in front of him, and even helped and participated in human trafficking and prostitution. She overcame all difficulties and collected blood certificates and found that military officers and diplomats from multiple countries were involved in the case. Jiafu vowed to disclose all evidence, but was dismissed. She became a target of killing by military and police around the world. At the moment when her life was on the line, she never gave up upholding justice...