According to the latest news, Nikki Carroll, the female director of "the North" and "the Whale Knight" will direct "the Zoo Chief's wife", a film about the Nazi massacre of Jews during World War II, which is adapted from Diana Ackerman's novel of the same name. has been confirmed to star "Laomo" Jessica Chastain, Daniel Bruhe ("shameless bastards") and John Haldenberg Angela Volkman, screenwriter of Snowflake and the Secret Fan, is in charge of the script, while focus Pictures and Universal Studios have won the rights to the film in North America and Europe respectively. The story of the original novel "the Zoo Chief's wife", set in Warsaw during World War II, was reduced to rubble by German Stuka bombers. The zoo in the city also suffered, and more than half of the animals died. Jane, the director of the zoo, and his wife Antonina began to sneak Jews into the empty corral. The animal cage was transformed into Noah's ark, and the people hiding in the corral were code-named animals, while animals were named after people. Whenever night falls, the "tourists" come out of the darkness to eat and talk together, and when there are few calm times, they can also come to a piano concert. Jane is active in the secret resistance in Poland, and he will.