The film, adapted from the novel of Australian female writer Brown Sheida Elpje, depicts a group of Vietnamese boat people arriving on the east coast of Malaysia, where they are treated by force by local villagers and spattered with blood on the beach. In the film, apart from the fact that Malaysian villagers slaughtered Vietnamese boat people, there are also many plots to vilify the Malaysian people. For example, a member of the Malaysian royal family dressed in gorgeous clothes danced to the melody of music and anger, and a protagonist described it as a nuisance to the Malaysian people. This film caused a new round of diplomatic disturbance between Malaysia and Australia. Malaysian Foreign Minister Abdullah Badawi said the description of the slaughter of Vietnamese boat people in the film was "wrong and incorrect." Matt Carroll, a producer of the Australian-born Turtle Beach, also admitted that the plot in which the Vietnamese boat people were slaughtered when they went to Malaysia was pure fiction.