The story takes place in the early Showa era, in a remote and quiet town, where a girl named Fuzi (played by Xiaoling Linai) lives. Fuzi is a bus conductor who gets on the same bus and takes the same route every day. The repeated life of following the rules made Fuzi very depressed, and she was extremely tired of life and work. One day, Fuzi's colleague Yanzi died in an accident, but it is rumored that Yanzi's death was not an accident. Her fianc é Shinjiko (Tadashi Asano) has a mysterious past and is likely to be a serial killer. These non-day-to-day events made Fuzi nervous. Before long, Fuzi's bus company came to a driver named Xingao, thinking of the previous rumors that Fuzi was full of fear, but also full of curiosity.